Reservar en Akushu Restaurant

●Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request for seat selection.
●If we cannot contact you within 30 minutes of your scheduled reservation time, we may have to cancel your reservation, so please be sure to contact us if you will be late.
●For reservations for 9 or more people, please contact the store directly.
●Customers using other than the course, please come directly to the store on the day. Contact:


Please let us know the details of any allergies or intolerances. We may not be able to respond on the same day. Example: One person has a shrimp allergy and does not accept extracts. *If not, please write "None."

Detalles de invitado

Contraseña es demasiado corto (8 caracteres mínimo)
Contraseña es demasiado débil
Contraseña debe incluir al menos una letra mayúscula, una letra minúscula, un número y un símbolo.
Contraseña no debe contener parte de Email.
Contraseña no coincide
Al enviar este formulario, aceptas los términos y políticas relevantes.