Réserver à Lounge "3-60 (Three Sixty)" - InterContinental Osaka

Open Everyday
9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. (8:00 p.m. Last Order)

▶Please note that we do not take reservations except for Afternoon Tea.
▶Reservations for afternoon tea sets are accepted until 6p.m. the day before.
▶Menus and prices may change without any notification.
▶If there is something to confirm about the food, the restaurant may contact you directly.
▶Discounts cannot be combined with any other promotion.
▶Specific table requests are subject to availability.
▶Reservations can be made up to 2 months in advance.

InterContinental Osaka Web site
Click here for 3-60 information
Food Allergies Policy
12 ans et moins



If you want to order a chocolate message plate for your dessert, please indicate the message within 20 characters. (i.e.「Happy Birthday〇〇!」)


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Mot de passe est trop faible
Mot de passe doit inclure au moins une lettre majuscule, une lettre minuscule, un chiffre, et un symbole.
Mot de passe ne doit pas contenir une partie de E-mail.
Mot de passe ne concorde pas avec Confirmation du mot de passe
En soumettant ce formulaire, vous acceptez les termes et politiques pertinents.