Lounge "3-60 (Three Sixty)" - InterContinental Osaka 온라인 예약

Open Everyday
9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. (8:00 p.m. Last Order)

▶Please note that we do not take reservations except for Afternoon Tea.
▶Reservations for afternoon tea sets are accepted until 6p.m. the day before.
▶Menus and prices may change without any notification.
▶If there is something to confirm about the food, the restaurant may contact you directly.
▶Discounts cannot be combined with any other promotion.
▶Specific table requests are subject to availability.
▶Reservations can be made up to 2 months in advance.

InterContinental Osaka Web site
Click here for 3-60 information
Food Allergies Policy
12세 이하



If you want to order a chocolate message plate for your dessert, please indicate the message within 20 characters. (i.e.「Happy Birthday〇〇!」)

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