Réserver à Maholova Minds Miura Restaurant Hanakazura

▶We do not accept seat reservations.
▶We cannot change the contents of the dishes.
▶If we are unable to contact you within 30 minutes of your reservation time, your reservation will be cancelled.
▶Please select the total number of people who will come to the restaurant. For the quantity of each menu, please select the number to be served.
▶Please make a reservation by the same name with Rilakkuma collaboration rooms, if you've booked lodging too.
▶The Rilakkuma Cafe menus are offered at Rita Cafe, not at Restaurant.


If there are customers who order a different menu on the day, please specify the number of people who only have seats. If you would like only "Rilakkuma Lunch", "Korilakkuma Lunch" or "Kiiroitori Lunch", please write "None".
Please check if the number of menus for your reservation is correct.


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