Réserver à SOBA SUOH

<< Business Hours >> 11: 00-22: 00 * Preschool children are requested to enter the store by 17:00 on weekdays. You can enter the store all day on weekends and holidays. [Minimum charge for private room] Lunch: 15,000 yen 1.5H / Dinner: 44,000 yen 2.2H If you are using a private room, please pay the above amount. * When using a table for 3 or more people, it will be used for 2 hours and 20 minutes from the reserved time. * Please note that we may not be able to meet your request regarding seat selection. * We charge 10% of Koperto [seat fee] after 17:00 and midnight fee after 22:00. ■ Reservations from THE HUGE CLUB (restaurant membership point system) are also recommended ■ Member registration is here
15 ans et moins
5 ans et moins



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