Pesan di Fushimi Sakagura Kouji

▶This is the page where you can reserve a seat (sake specialty) at the sake brewery in Fushimizu Sakagura Koji. To make a reservation for a seat (ramen, charcoal-grilled food, kushikatsu, etc.) at the "delicious food specialty store" in Fushimizu Sakagura Koji, please contact each store from here . ▶If you are more than 20 minutes late for your reservation, your reservation may be automatically cancelled. ▶When crowded, seating will be limited to 2 hours (L.O. 1 hour and a half). ▶If you have any other requests, please contact the store directly. ▶For reservations for more than 10 people, please check with the operator. -- Even if the desired date and time is fully booked, there is also a seat on the day without reservation.


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