Prenota a MO-MO-PARADISE Kabukicho Honten

There are 2 stores of MoMo Paradise in Shinjuku Area.This is the reservation system for Kabukicho Main store.
Please note that you are not making the reservation of the wrong store.

We would like our dearest customer to acknowledge that our operations time is changed to 17:00-22:30 on weekdays,11:30-22:30 on weekend and national holidays(Time for the last order of food and beverages is 22:00).

To prevent the spread of infection of COVID-19,we would like to ask for your correspondence to our policies when you arrived.We appreciate your acknowledgment.

※All seats are non-smoking and 100mins. limit.
※ For today’s reservation,please call 03-3208-0135.
※Please call us when you need to change or cancel your reservation.

※If you could not arrive after more than 15mins. of your reservation’s time without any notice, we will prioritize the waiting guests in before your arrival.
12 anni e meno
4 anni e meno



I tuoi dettagli

Password è troppo corto (il minimo è 8 caratteri)
Password è troppo debole
Password deve includere almeno una lettera maiuscola, una lettera minuscola, un numero e un simbolo.
Password non deve contenere parte di Email.
Password non coincide con Conferma password
Inviando questo modulo, accetti i termini e politiche pertinenti.