400℃ PIZZA TOKYO 온라인 예약

▷Reservations can be made from noon two days before the desired date.

▷A credit card is required to make a reservation.

▷A minimum of 1 pizza and 1 drink order per person is required.

▷Payment on the day must be made by credit card.

▷Children must be 6 years old or older. ▷Groups must be limited to 4 people.

Seats will be prepared in 70 minutes.
The schedule is set on the assumption that you will arrive on time. Delays of 10 minutes or more will be treated as "cancellations on the day."

① 10:45-70 minutes
② 12:00-70 minutes
③ 13:15-70 minutes
④ 14:30-70 minutes
⑤ 15:45-70 minutes
⑥ 17:00-70 minutes


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