Amaranto 온라인 예약

At our restaurant, we ask that you do the following to ensure that you can enjoy your meal comfortably. All seats in the store are non-smoking. We do not allow children under junior high school age to enter our store. (Excluding private rooms) [About the dress code] We want you to enjoy the aroma of the food to the fullest, so if we determine that your perfume is too strong, we may ask you to remove it on the spot, so please be present. Please also share the information with others. As a general rule, we ask that you refrain from visiting us in shorts and sandals, and we recommend smart casual attire. [Cancellation Policy] Some dishes will be prepared several days in advance. If you wish to change or cancel your reservation, please contact the store by phone as soon as possible. Cancellations or changes made on the day will be charged 100% of the meal fee. It may be difficult to connect by phone during business hours. Thank you for your understanding. To confirm your reservation, in addition to the confirmation email, our reservation staff will contact you directly by phone about a week in advance, and this will be the final confirmation of your reservation. I am. For inquiries by phone: 03-5797-8585


Please let us know the details of any allergies or intolerances.
We may not be able to respond on the same day.
Example: 1 person is allergic to shrimp, extracts are not allowed, onions are not good, can be eaten if heated, etc.
*If none, please write "none".
We want you to enjoy the aroma of your food to the fullest, so if we determine that the perfume is too strong, we may ask you to remove it on the spot, so please share this information with your guests. . Please agree to this before making a reservation.

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