名古屋マリオットアソシアホテル 食事券 온라인 예약

◇How to make a reservation◇ ① Check "I understand and agree to the contents of the notice from the restaurant". ② Specify "1 person" as the number of people. *Please select it on the system. ③ Specify the date and time. About specifying the date and time [If you would like delivery] ・7 days from now including today Specify the date and time and set the time to 12:00. *For example, if the order is received on October 1st, you can reserve delivery by specifying October 7th. (It will take about a week from the time of your order for the product to arrive, but it will be shipped as soon as it is ready.) [If you wish to pick up your order in store] - Within 3 to 7 days from today Please specify the date and time and the time of receipt. ④ Please select the product. *If you would like delivery, please also select "Delivery fee". ⑤ Fill in or check the items "Request" and "Reservation information". ⑥ Please press "Confirm screen". *If there are any omissions, you will not be able to proceed to the next step. ⑦ After filling in or selecting "Card holder name (half-width Roman characters)", "Card number", "Expiration date", and "Security code" on the next screen, press the "Confirm" button to complete the reservation. *≪If you have a specific number of tickets per set, please fill it in the "Request" field≫ *The validity period of the meal ticket will be 6 months from the date of application. (Some exceptions apply) *It may not be available during Christmas, New Year's holidays, special events, etc. *If you would like delivery, a separate delivery fee of 1,000 yen will be charged for each business pack. Please be sure to select the delivery fee menu on the order screen. *Please note that we cannot accept returns or exchanges after purchase. *Meal voucher redemption dates: Saturday, August 10, 2024 to Thursday, August 15, 2024 Handling counter: 15th floor All-day Dining Pergola Reception hours: 12:00-17:00


If you would like delivery, did you select "Shipping fee ¥ 1,000 (tax included)" from the product selection screen above? (If it is not selected, it cannot be delivered.) *If you are picking up at the store, please select "No".

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