Swimming Pool & Ofuro - Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo at Otemachi 온라인 예약

▪Accessible only to Hotel Guests and Spa members.
▪For non Hotel Guests, please contact The Spa in advance for availability of Day Pass purchase (Weekday Only).
▪Pool Age Limitation : No age limit. ※Children below 4 years need to wear swimming diapers if they enter the water.
▪For Changing Room, 4 years old and above accompanied by adults. For Ofuro, young adults of 16 years old and above are permitted.
▪For Guests who are under 4 years old, please change into your swimwear prior to visiting The Spa. We have private elevator to The Spa for your convenience located on each guest room floor.
▪Should you be unfortunately unable to arrive within a 15 minute time frame of your reservation, we will consider it canceled.
▪For group of more than 2 guests or family booking including children, please contact The Spa directly at 03-6810-0660.
▪Reservation is available for current and next month.


Please kindly provide your room confirmation number if your guest room is unknown (prior to checking into our hotel).

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