Al Dente - Hyatt Regency Guam 온라인 예약

Thank you for choosing Al Dente Italian Restaurant

Operation Hours
Friday & Saturday
6:00PM - 10:00PM
Sunday - Thursday- Closed

If you or anyone in your group have any food allergies, please do notify us at the time of booking.

If you encounter any issues such as reservations are not available at your requested time and or number of people, please contact us at +1 671 647-1234 or e-mail us at

* Cancellation Policy:
Cancellation in advance before 24 hours from the reservation time: No charge.
Cancellation less than 24 hours before reservation time: 50% charge
Cancellation without notice or by no show: 100% charge

Please note that our reservation holds time-frame is 20 minutes from the initial requested time.
Should you not show up within the time frame, seating may be assigned to another guest.

Thank you for choosing the Hyatt Regency Guam Resort as your venue. We look forward to your visit.

Should you need further assistance, please let us know.
Email: Telephone: +1 671 6471234
12세 이하
5세 이하


Are you celebrating any special occasion with us?

예약자 정보

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이 양식을 제출함으로써, 본인은 관련 조항 및 정책에 동의합니다.