Kurochaya 온라인 예약

***For customers making reservations through this site*** ▶Please select either "charcoal-grilled" or "hoba-yaki (ceramic board)" for the side dish. (During the summer, only Hoba ware (ceramic board ware) is available.) ▶We cannot accept requests for specific rooms. We will respond to your request in the form of a request, but please note that we may not be able to include it. ▶Please include the number of children who will be eating the same course as adults in the number of adults. ▶Rooms (seats) can only be used for 2 hours from the time of reservation. ▶If we cannot contact you within 30 minutes of your scheduled reservation time, we may have to cancel your reservation, so please be sure to contact us if you will be late. ▶Lunch time on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays will be served in two shifts. (Part 1: Enter the store at 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, Part 2: Enter the store at 14:00, 14:30, 15:00) ***Please contact the store directly in the following cases** * ▶After 6:00 pm the day before the desired reservation date (excluding holidays) ▶Reservations for 11 or more people ▶Reservations for celebrations and condolences such as first meals and memorial services *Reservations for first meals must be made at least 7 days in advance. I'm here. ▶If the site is full *Even if the private rooms are full, we may be able to guide you to general seats. Please contact us after 9:00 on business days. For telephone inquiries: 042-596-0129 (Please note that there are times when it may be difficult to connect by phone.) Kurochaya Official Website: https://www.kurochaya.com/
12세 이하
2세 이하



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