Les Entremets Kunitachi 온라인 예약

<html>▶Please place your order by 7pm 3 days in advance. After that time, please call or visit the store directly. *Please note that message plates must be reserved at least 3 days in advance*<red> <b>▶Changes cannot be made after the reservation is made. If you wish to change your reservation, please cancel and reschedule your reservation. ▶For orders of 10 or more, please contact us by phone.</b><red> <b><b>*About cancellation*</b></b> <b><b>●If canceled on the same day, a 100% cancellation fee will be charged. *For cancellations and reservation changes made other than on the same day, refunds are generally not possible after payment has been completed, even if the reservation is changed. Please note. Telephone inquiries: 042-574-0205</b></b>


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