Maison KEI 온라인 예약

▶︎Since our restaurant only offers course meals, we ask in advance about allergies and ingredients that you are not good at. We would appreciate it if you could check with everyone who is present and be sure to let us know in advance. We may not be able to respond to requests on the day.
▶︎Reservations can be made up to 60 days from today.
▶︎We cannot accept seat designations at the time of reservation. Please note.
▶︎As the reservation date approaches, the restaurant will call you to confirm. If we are unable to contact you, we may have to cancel your reservation.
▶︎ We recommend smart casual dress code. Please refrain from wearing extremely casual clothing such as shorts and sandals for men.
▶︎If we are unable to contact you within 30 minutes of your reservation time, we may have to cancel your reservation. Please contact us if you will be late.
▶︎Reservations for 1 person and 9 or more people are accepted by phone.
▶︎ If you are accompanied by children, we will only guide you to a private room, and we will take reservations by phone.

Inquiries by phone: 0550-81-2231


If you have any food allergies or dislikes, including your companion, please be sure to let us know the details. If none, please write "none". Example) 1 person; allergic to raw roses (sauce can be used) Example) 1 person; dislikes shellfish (scallops are OK) *Since our restaurant only offers course meals, we ask in advance if you have any allergies or dislikes. We would appreciate it if you could check with everyone who is present and be sure to let us know in advance. We may not be able to respond to requests on the day.
If you wish to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, etc., please fill in the content of the celebration, the number of people, etc. (We will prepare the message in French at your discretion.) Example) Birthday: 1 person, name engraving "Kei" Farewell party: 1 person, no name engraving

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