MO-MO-PARADISE Shibuya Center-gai(Ex Nabezo) 온라인 예약

■The store name will be changed to "Mo-Mo-Paradise Shibuya Center Gai Store".
The shabu-shabu/sukiyaki restaurant "Nabezo Shibuya Center Gai Branch" changed its name to "Mo-Mo-Paradise Shibuya Center Gai Branch" from March 21, 2024.

We will welcome you in a friendlier, more global atmosphere while retaining the deliciousness and fun of traditional Nabezo. We look forward to your use.

1. Even on dates where reservations are not possible, seats may be available if you contact the store directly.
2. Business hours
Lunch 11:30-15:00 (Lo 14:30)
Dinner 17:00-22:30 (Lo 22:00)
・Lunch menu is open until 3:00 pm on weekdays (Monday to Friday) .
・If you make a reservation after lunch time 1:05 p.m., please note that the all-you-can-eat time will be shorter before making your reservation.
・If you make a reservation after dinner time 8:50 p.m., please note that the all-you-can-eat time will be shorter before making your reservation.

[Notes after making a reservation]
1. To change or cancel your reservation, please call the number above.
2. If you are 15 minutes past your reservation time without contacting us, we may give priority to customers who are waiting.
3. If the phone number or email address you provided at the time of reservation is incorrect, your reservation may be canceled. Please be sure to enter a correct phone number and email address.
12세 이하
6세 이하


If you have any food allergies, please let us know.

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