Karaoke Pasela, Roppongi 온라인 예약

Starting October 1, 2024, we will be updating our pricing system to be more affordable and easier to understand! Click here for details <Room selection> You can choose your room type when making a reservation.・If you have a preference for the room type, please select from the categories . ・If you select a category with a [💰 mark], a charge will be applied. ・If you select [No preference], we will prepare the most suitable room for the number of people using the room. In that case, there will be no additional charge. <About charge fees> The concept rooms marked with the following [💰 mark] incur a charge. ・75" monitor💰: 2,000 yen ・Projector💰: 3,000 yen ・Celebration room💰: 2,000 yen ・VIP room💰: 5,000 yen ・Click here for the set prices for mods [Libra] [Regulus] [Virgo] [Gemini] About the Concept Room Satisfaction Guarantee System Concept Room has a satisfaction guarantee system, so if you are not satisfied, we will refund your fee. * Click here for details on charges and satisfaction guarantee <About tobacco> In accordance with the ordinance to prevent passive smoking, we will operate as follows: ・Cigarettes: Only available in smoking rooms ・E-cigarettes and heated tobacco: Only available in smoking rooms or smoking rooms *Both cannot be used in non-smoking rooms (🚭). <Other announcements>・Room introduction page is here・FAQ Q&A is here・Pasela's new sensation shisha bar C2 introduction page is here
12세 이하
5세 이하


The following room categories have an additional charge "75-inch monitor room", "projector room", "celebration room", and "VIP room" Please make sure there are no mistakes.

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