【TAKE OUT】 French Restaurant La Baie - The Ritz-Carlton, Osaka 온라인 예약

・ Reservation with advance payment with payment on the day

[About reservations]
*Delivery time: 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm
* If we do not hear from you after the reservation time, your reservation will be automatically canceled.                                                *Cancellations made on the day of reservation or changes in quantity will incur a 100% cancellation fee of the product price; cancellations made the day before will incur a 50% cancellation fee.
*If you would like to take advantage of various discounts, please make your reservation by paying at the store on the day of your reservation.
Please select the date and time you would like to pick up your takeout items below.

French cuisine La Baie Official website Restaurant reservation


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