Roberto Carrera 온라인 예약

Reservations can be made through our reservation site or by telephone or e-mail. *If you have already made a reservation, please ask for changes, additions, or details* For reservations and consultations for groups of 6 or more, please contact us by email or phone. E-mail: Phone: 050-3134-3766 The latest sales information will be announced on our website . ✽ Regular holiday: Monday, Tuesday (If Monday or Tuesday is a public holiday, Wednesday will be a regular holiday.) The following hours and details will be provided. ✽Normal business hours Dinner time [Wednesday, Thursday, Friday] 17:30-23:30 (L.O 22:45) [Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays] 17:30-23:00 (LO 21:30) Lunch time 11:30-15:00 00 (LO 14:00) * Please select a course for the number of people.
12세 이하
3세 이하



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