Fujita / Shinjuku Washington Hotel 온라인 예약

■For customers with food allergies Our facility does not accept customers with food allergies. We are taking great care to ensure that you can enjoy your meal at our restaurant with your family and friends, but please keep the following points in mind.
1. The ingredients used are confirmed based on information from the manufacturer.
2. Because the food is prepared in the same kitchen as other menu items, there is a possibility that trace amounts of allergens may be mixed in during the processing or cooking process.
3. When eating or drinking, please take the above into consideration when making your final decision.

■Telephone inquiries: 03-3344-6109 (10:00-18:00)


Are you enrolled in the membership program "Fujita Kanko Group Member's Card WAON" or "THE FUJITA MEMBERS"?
If you are a member, please enter your membership number.
If you have any food allergies, please let us know.

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