Sushi Wakon Tokyo - THE PENINSULA TOKYO 온라인 예약

For parties greater than 6 persons, please call the restaurant directly.

Cancellation Policy:There is a strict cancellation policy, but thank you for understanding that this is because the fresh ingredients for each guest meal are flown in from Tsukiji daily, and we have limited seating.

Please note the following:
1. Cancellation 2 days before the reservation date (two days before): 50% of the course fee
2. Cancellation on the day and the day before the reservation date: 100% of the course fee

Children: Children under 12 are welcome in our private room.

Corkage Policy: Sushi Wakon is fully licensed and does not permit guests to bring their own beverages.



Will you be a stay guest at Peninsula Tokyo during your reservation at Sushi Wakon?

예약자 정보

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