Sushi Wakon - Four Seasons Hotel Kyoto 온라인 예약

Seating is limited to 2 hours. There is no restroom in the store, so if possible, please use the restroom at the hotel in advance. We ask that you dress smart casual. Please refrain from wearing perfume or cologne. cancellation policy Fresh ingredients are delivered from Toyosu every day, and seats are limited. Therefore, we appreciate your understanding of the cancellation policy below. A cancellation fee will be charged as follows, calculated from the reservation date and time. 1. Cancellation two days before the reservation date (two days before): 50% of the course fee 2. Cancellation on the reservation date and the day before: 100% of the course fee 3. If you are late for more than 15 minutes without contacting us, it will be canceled Let me say.
Children Children under the age of 12 can only be accommodated in private rooms. We appreciate your understanding that we are unable to guide you to the counter seats. In addition, regarding children's menus, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please contact us at the following phone number.
Bringing in Policy In principle, we do not allow outside drinks to be brought into Sushi Wakon.

Sushi Wakon Kyoto store075-541-8176


Will you stay fourseasons hotel on your reservations day?

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