TENKAI 온라인 예약

1) The only course available for reservation is the Omakase Dinner Course.
2) The tempura menu changes daily.
3) In addition to the above fees, a 10% service charge will be added.
4) We charge $300 per bottle for bringing in alcoholic beverages.
5) The course will start for all customers at the same time. Even if your accompanying party is late, the meal service may begin, so please understand.
6)If you are running late, please make sure to call us (25590737). In case that you are more than 15 minutes late, the provided menu may be limited. 7) In case that you are more than 15 minutes late without notification, your reservation will be canceled and a cancellation fee may be charged.
8) If you have any allergies, please leave your message in making a reservation. Menu changes on the day of the reservation may not be possible due to ingredient availability.


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