● If we don't hear from you by 15 minutes after the start of your reservation (by 10:15am or 4:45pm), we will assume that you have cancelled. Please be sure to contact us if you are going to be late.
● If your reservation is for two or three persons, we may ask you to share a lesson with another party.
● Please note that we cannot make special accommodations for customers with allergies (including food and animal allergies).

Telephone inquiries: 03-3467-4112


Butiran Tetamu

Kata laluan terlalu pendek (minima adalah 8 karakter)
Kata laluan terlalu lemah
Kata laluan mesti mengandungi sekurang-kurangnya satu huruf besar, satu huruf kecil, satu nombor dan satu simbol.
Kata laluan tidak boleh mengandungi sebahagian daripada E-mel.
Kata laluan tidak sama dengan penegasan
Dengan menghantar borang ini, anda bersetuju dengan terma dan polisi yang relevan.