Tempah di THE BAR / The Ritz-Carlton, Osaka

▶All seats are non-smoking.
▶All prices are inclusive of tax and 15% of service charge.
▶Menus and prices may change without advance notification. Photos are all images.
▶Table request may not be accepted depending on availability.
▶A cover charge of 1,850 yen will be charged during the night performance hours.
* Not required for a private locker or bottle keep club member.
▶Please note that not valid with any other discount combined.
If you will be late more than 15 minutes, please call us. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee your seat.


Have you made a reservation (or are you planning to make a reservation) to stay at The Ritz-Carlton, Osaka?

Butiran Tetamu

Kata laluan terlalu pendek (minima adalah 8 karakter)
Kata laluan terlalu lemah
Kata laluan mesti mengandungi sekurang-kurangnya satu huruf besar, satu huruf kecil, satu nombor dan satu simbol.
Kata laluan tidak boleh mengandungi sebahagian daripada E-mel.
Kata laluan tidak sama dengan penegasan
Dengan menghantar borang ini, anda bersetuju dengan terma dan polisi yang relevan.