Tempah di RYAN


*Do you have any allergies?
If you have, please let us know if the cross - contamination is fine for you, or if even a trace amounts of a food allergen will cause a reaction (symptoms). The kitchen is NOT a cross - contamination free environment. ( For example, we use the same tools, utensils and frying oil.)
・Please be aware that we cannot serve gluten-free items as the kitchen is not a gluten free environment.
・Vegan/vegetarian course and a la carte options are unfortunately not available as the main dashi (stock) we make contains fish broth.
Dessert Plate Message

Butiran Tetamu

Kata laluan terlalu pendek (minima adalah 8 karakter)
Kata laluan terlalu lemah
Kata laluan mesti mengandungi sekurang-kurangnya satu huruf besar, satu huruf kecil, satu nombor dan satu simbol.
Kata laluan tidak boleh mengandungi sebahagian daripada E-mel.
Kata laluan tidak sama dengan penegasan
Dengan menghantar borang ini, anda bersetuju dengan terma dan polisi yang relevan.