Reserve em Meguro Unjour

Meguro Motokebaimae Natural Wine Bistro Wine Shop

◆Last order is at 22:00.

◆In the case of a reservation for one person, we will guide you to the counter.

◆We may not be able to meet your request for seat selection.

◆If you are unable to contact us within 20 minutes of your reservation time, we may have to cancel your reservation.

◆For customers with children or reservations for 9 or more people, please contact the store directly.


If you have any ingredients that you do not like or have allergies, please fill in the details.
Example: 1 person with shellfish allergy is sick. Cooked extract is OK.
Example: 1 person with an egg allergy, a binder is OK.
Example: Both of us don't like garlic, so it's not like we can't eat it.

Detalhes do Convidado

Senha é demasiado pequeno (o mínimo é de 8 caracteres)
Senha é muito fraca
Senha deve incluir pelo menos uma letra maiúscula, uma letra minúscula, um número e um símbolo.
Senha não deve conter parte de Email.
Senha não coincide com a confirmação
Ao submeter este formulário, concorda com os termos e políticas relevantes.