Reserve em Mizuno

Thank you for watching Mizuno's page.

〔About our omakase course〕
▶Around 10 dishes from KYOTO-classic Kaiseki cuisine style with seasonal ingredients.
▶Meals will all start at 18:00, so please arrive on time to make your reservation. If we cannot contact you within 30 minutes of your scheduled reservation time, we may have to cancel your reservation, so please be sure to contact us if you will be late.

〔For your coming〕
▶Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request for seat selection.
▶We want all our customers to enjoy their food, so please refrain from coming to our restaurant wearing perfume or other strong scents.
▶Please include children only if they are 12 years of age or older and will be enjoying the course.

For inquiries by phone: 075-746-5352

We look forward to your visit from all over the world at this beautiful city, Kyoto.
Chef Takahiro MIZUNO


If you have any allergies or ingredients you don't like, please let us know. If none, please write "None".

Detalhes do Convidado

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Senha deve incluir pelo menos uma letra maiúscula, uma letra minúscula, um número e um símbolo.
Senha não deve conter parte de Email.
Senha não coincide com a confirmação
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