Reserve em SHOKUDO YArn

We have a menu structure that allows you to enjoy a meal slowly, so please make sure you have time to visit us. Dress code is not provided in particular, but please refrain from coming to the store with extreme casual clothes such as beach sandals and work clothes.Please refrain from excessive odor caused by perfumes and softeners so that other customers can enjoy the smell of food and wine.
For inquiries by phone: 0761-58-1058

■ About cancellation policy ■
There are many things that need to be prepared in advance for preparation of our shop on the basis of a complete reservation system. In order to cherish the ingredients carefully produced by the producers, it is only possible when changing or canceling Please contact us as soon as possible. ・ 3 to 2 days ago: 50% ・ The day before, the day: 100%


Please fill in if you have any allergens.
Please describe below if there is a request for a plate etc. by using the anniversary.
If you would like to receive mail from our shop, please write your address below.

Detalhes do Convidado

Senha é demasiado pequeno (o mínimo é de 8 caracteres)
Senha é muito fraca
Senha deve incluir pelo menos uma letra maiúscula, uma letra minúscula, um número e um símbolo.
Senha não deve conter parte de Email.
Senha não coincide com a confirmação
Ao submeter este formulário, concorda com os termos e políticas relevantes.