Забронируйте в APA Hotel & Resort <Yokohama Bay Tower> / APA Hotel & Resort Yokohama Bay Tower

Kirin Lemon Pool will open for a limited time from Friday, July 7th to Sunday, September 10th, 2023! ★★ Pool event will be held! Please see the event calendar ▶Reservation number is required for those who reserve the pool guest plan. If you haven't made a reservation, please book your accommodation or day trip plan first. ▶People entering the pool area will be charged a fee even if they are visiting or accompanying someone. ▶August 11th (Friday) to August 16th (Wednesday) will be a special business during the Obon period. ▶Those who wear diapers should wear diapers for playing in the water before using the vinyl pool. ▶Persons with tattoos are strictly prohibited from entering. ▶Please check the pool terms of use .


Please check before booking. ➀ Please be sure to read the information from the shop and the pool terms of use . ② Please check again if there is a difference between the number of people applying and the number of people in the plan. If there is a discrepancy, we may charge you the difference. Children 3 and under are free. ③ If you have any requests, please contact the hotel.

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