Забронируйте в NOURA

<About reservations> Limited time only bouillabaisse course For customers who wish to make a reservation, please click "Select" for the bouillabaisse course first, and then enter the number of people and date and time, as this reservation is set up differently from regular reservations. *Please proceed after confirming that "Select" has turned green. ▶Online reservations are accepted up to 8 people per group, up to one month in advance. Reservations are accepted until 11pm the day before. On the day of the reservation, please call us. *Even if there are no seats available online, we may be able to provide you with a seat, so please contact us by phone. ▶For reservations of 9 or more people, please contact the store directly. ▶During lunchtime, your seating time is generally limited to one and a half hours. Please note that this does not apply to the Chef's Choice course. ▶Due to the nature of the reservation system, if a seat is available, it will be booked immediately, but in rare cases, it may not be possible due to congestion. In such cases, we may decline your request or ask you to change the time by phone or email, so please be forewarned. ▶Please note that we may not be able to meet your request for a specific seat. ▶If we are unable to contact you after 30 minutes of your reservation time, we may be forced to cancel your reservation, so please be sure to contact us if you are going to be late. Also, this does not apply if the final entry time has passed. ▶You will need to enter your card information, but the cost of the meal will not be charged. Please pay at the restaurant on the day of your visit. <For customers with food allergies or other dietary restrictions> ▶We regret that we may have to decline reservations for guests with widespread or severe allergies, or guests with extensive dietary restrictions such as vegetarianism. (We may also be unable to accommodate requests from guests with severe allergies to animal-based broths, wheat, eggs, dairy products, etc.)
12 лет и младше


If you have any allergies or dislikes, please let us know the details, including those of your companions. We may not be able to accommodate on the day. Please be sure to check the above precautions. Example: One person has a shrimp allergy and cannot tolerate shrimp extracts. Another person does not like onions, but can eat them if they are cooked, etc. *If you do not have any, please write "None".
If you would like a special anniversary plate, we offer a set of two special puddings for an additional 1,200 yen (tax and service charge not included). A message card and candle will be placed on the plate and brought to your seat, after which you can wrap it up and take it home as a gift. You can write up to 60 characters on the message card, so if you would like a message, please write the number of pudding sets you would like along with the message. Example: "Happy Birthday Noboru, thank you for everything," etc. *If you do not have one, please write "none." *We do not accept decorations using chocolate pens.

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