Забронируйте в Ristorante Honda

■ Reservations for more than 5 people are accepted by phone.

■ Even if you can not find the vacant seat at your desired time, you may be able to prepare a seat if you can contact us by phone.

■ We are very sorry, we are refusing to visit children under junior high school students.

■ Please contact us as soon as possible, if you have any cancellation of reservation, change of number of people / reservation time etc. In addition, regarding cancellation on the day of reservation, we may charge for the number of people for the course price as a cancellation fee. We appreciate your understanding.

■ Reservation confirmation e-mail is automatically sent on the day of reservation and the day before the reservation, but we may also confirm the reservation directly from our store by e-mail or telephone.


If you have allergic ingredients, please fill in.
If you would like a message for your birthday or celebration please fill in the contents of the message.

Детали о посетителе

Пароль недостаточной длины (не может быть меньше 8 символов)
Пароль слишком слабый
Пароль Должен содержать как минимум одну заглавную букву, одну строчную букву, одно число и один символ.
Пароль не должен содержать часть Эл. адрес.
Пароль не совпадает со значением поля Подтвердите пароль
Отправляя эту форму, вы соглашаетесь с соответствующие условия и политики.