Забронируйте в Saryo Yamashina

Thank you for visiting Charyo Yamashina 's online reservation page.
We look forward to your reservations.

[Business hours] 11:00-20:00 (last order 19:30)

[Closed] Tuesdays, Wednesdays

[Request regarding tea ceremony banquet (course)]
▶Reservations are limited to a maximum of 5 people per group. Let me do it.

▶We will all start at 11am. Please arrive 10 minutes before your reservation time. *Please refrain from arriving more than 10 minutes early.

▶We may not be able to accommodate your request for seat selection. Please note.

▶If you do not arrive within 10 minutes of your scheduled reservation time, we may have to cancel your reservation. Please be sure to contact us if you will be late.

Reservations are required for the tea ceremony banquet (course).
*Reservations can be made via TableCheck, Instagram DM, or by phone.

▶Cancellation policy
- On the day: 100%
- The day before: 50%

[Google Map]

If you have any questions, please contact us below.
[Contact information] Tea charge Yamashina TEL: 092-235-9457


If you have any food allergies, please let us know.
If "None", please write "None".

Детали о посетителе

Пароль недостаточной длины (не может быть меньше 8 символов)
Пароль слишком слабый
Пароль Должен содержать как минимум одну заглавную букву, одну строчную букву, одно число и один символ.
Пароль не должен содержать часть Эл. адрес.
Пароль не совпадает со значением поля Подтвердите пароль
Отправляя эту форму, вы соглашаетесь с соответствующие условия и политики.