Đặt bàn tại MAKINONCÎ

[Lunch] Sunday: Doors open at 11:30, starts at 12:00 [Dinner] Monday to Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: Doors open at 17:30, starts at 18:00 *Business days may change temporarily. Please check the calendar for reservation availability. *Food will start all at once at the start time, so please come with plenty of time. We offer the same course menu for both lunch and dinner. The meal takes about three hours. If you are in a hurry, we may not be able to serve you the whole meal or we may not be able to accommodate you. As of February 2024, the parking lot is no longer available. We can secure a few spaces, but please be sure to call us to confirm. Please use a taxi or public transportation whenever possible. [Cancellation policy] ▶Due to the procurement of ingredients, cancellations made less than one week prior to the event will incur a 50% cancellation fee, and cancellations made three days prior to the event will incur a 100% cancellation fee. For groups of six or more, cancellations made two weeks prior to the event will incur a 50% cancellation fee, and cancellations made seven days prior to the event will incur a 100% cancellation fee. ▶Children's meals are also available. Reservations must be made in advance, so please make sure to make your reservation by phone. ▶Only private rooms will be available for guests with children. ▶If you would like a private room, please make your reservation by phone, not online. (050-3503-3318) A 20% service charge will be charged as part of the room rate. ▶Even if there are no rooms available online , you can check availability by phone. Please call for last-minute reservations. ▶We offer around 13 dishes. Please come hungry when you visit. Please feel free to ask if you have a small appetite. TEL: 050-3503-3318

Yêu cầu

The parking lot will no longer be available from February 2024. Please use taxis or public transportation whenever possible. Please call us if you would like to reserve a parking space. (Reservation required) *The number of parking spaces is limited, so please carpool if possible.
If you have any food allergies, please write them here. Seasonal ingredients may be difficult to change. Please note that we may call you to confirm. Example: 1 person, allergy to shrimp, extracts and soup stock are OK *We may contact you by phone to confirm any allergies. Please note that if you have severe allergies, we may not be able to accept your reservation.
If you would like to request a name or a message for customers who use the service for birthdays, anniversaries, etc., please let us know here. If you are traveling with children, please indicate their ages and whether they require children's meals. We may contact you for confirmation.

Chi tiết Khách

Mật khẩu quá ngắn (tối thiểu 8 ký tự)
Mật khẩu quá yếu
Mật khẩu Phải có ít nhất một chữ in hoa, một chữ thường, một số, và một biểu tượng.
Mật khẩu không được chứa một phần của Email.
Mật khẩu không khớp với xác nhận
Bằng cách gửi biểu mẫu này, bạn đồng ý với điều khoản và chính sách liên quan.