Đặt bàn tại View & Dining Cotociel - Hotel Granvia Kyoto

Please be sure to check
◆ About your seat
・The seating time is 1 hour and 30 minutes for lunch and 2 hours for dinner. Please note that depending on the time of your reservation, your stay time may be shortened due to closing time.
・We are unable to accept seating requests. Thank you for your understanding.
・In the case of strong sunlight, we may lower the blinds inside the store.

◆ Regarding various discounts and benefits: Cannot be used in combination.
・Please present your JR Hotel Members card or discount coupons at the time of payment. (Benefits will be invalid if presented after payment has been made.)

◆ Please contact us by phone (075-342-5522) in the following cases: ・Information about private rooms (for 6-16 people) > Regarding allergy information > Regarding smoking > Regarding cancellation fees for reservations >

*We may contact you to confirm your reservation. Please enter a phone number where you may be contacted.
*The displayed price includes a 10% service charge and tax.
*All photos are for illustrative purposes only. Go to the Kotosier website > If you would like to order different menus within your group, please make a reservation here >
dưới 12 tuổi
dưới 3 tuổi

Yêu cầu

For the following people, please fill in the ingredients that are avoided and the number of people who need to change.・Persons with food allergies *Only 7 specific items (milk, wheat, eggs, buckwheat, shrimp, crab, peanuts) are supported. We may not be able to respond to items other than the specified 7 items.・Those who have a chronic disease or who have dietary restrictions due to pregnancy.
If you use the message plate, please fill in the desired message. [About 20 characters] (We will prepare one plate for ¥ 500.) Customers who order the anniversary plan will be prepared free of charge as a plan benefit.
If you would like to use a message plate, please write your desired message. (About 20 characters) <We will prepare one plate for 500 yen.> For customers who order the anniversary set, this will be prepared free of charge as a plan benefit.

Chi tiết Khách

Mật khẩu quá ngắn (tối thiểu 8 ký tự)
Mật khẩu quá yếu
Mật khẩu Phải có ít nhất một chữ in hoa, một chữ thường, một số, và một biểu tượng.
Mật khẩu không được chứa một phần của Email.
Mật khẩu không khớp với xác nhận
Bằng cách gửi biểu mẫu này, bạn đồng ý với điều khoản và chính sách liên quan.