Đặt bàn tại Isagiyoshi Shimokawabataten

=== When you come to Hakata, eat fish === · Seafood preeminent fishes and shellfishes, seasonal sake, seasonal ingredients There are many! ! · If you enjoy The Hakata, I will be doing well, but it is OK! ! "Regarding online reservation" ◆ For reservation over ⑦ name, please contact directly to the store. ▶ Seats can not be specified. Please note. ※ Please make your reservation by telephone. ◆ If you can not contact us after 30 minutes of reservation please be sure to contact us as we will be forced to cancel as it may be delayed. ▶ Because of the arrangement, please make a reservation by telephone for those with children. ◆ If there is no vacant seat on the web reservation, you may be able to prepare a seat so please contact directly to the store. "Isogi Yoshi Shimokawabe Shop" · Address Fukuoka City Hakata-ku, Shimokawa-ku 1-333 · ☎ 092-281-6780 · HP ★ Website of Isogi Yoshi is here ★
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