Traveling the World Restaurant-Thank you for visiting THE JOURNEY (by The Oriental Terrace). [Business Hours] Dinner 18: 00-20: 00 (18:00 start all at once) 19: 00-21: 00 (19:00 all start) ▶ Cooking details (updated from time to time. Also, the contents will be updated due to the arrangement of ingredients. It is subject to change.) ▶ Please note that we may not be able to meet your request regarding seat selection. * We also accept group reservations. If you wish to make a reservation for a group of 10 or more people, please be sure to check the availability of seats by phone before making a reservation. * Crane Members members will be provided with a special menu. Please check each member information separately and tell us that you would like to apply it at the time of booking. * 10% consumption tax is included in the price shown. * Please be sure to call us by the day before the reservation date to cancel your reservation or change the number of people. (Please let us know at least 2 days before the reservation date if you want to cancel a group reservation for 10 or more people.) If you cancel on the day, change the number of people, or cancel without prior notice, 100% of the cancellation fee will be charged. Inquiries by phone: 078-326-1663
dưới 12 tuổi
dưới 5 tuổi

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