Reservar en Hikiniku To Come Shibuya

This is website for restaurant in Shibuya.
Please be careful that you are not able to book a reservation for other store such as Kichijoji, Fukuoka and Kyoto .

Hikiniku to come in Shibuya< deitail of online system>
・It is possible for you to join our waiting list.
・You are not able to join our waiting list over the phone.
※you are able to do only through our website.
・We will release our waiting lists every Friday around 9 am which range from next Monday to next Friday. We will release the waiting lists for a week.
Ex) if you want to get that on September 11th, 2023, you need to try to do it on September 8th,2023.
・We are supposed to open the waiting lists until 11am but close them as soon as it is totally filled.
・It is needed to pay deposit (details below)
・Please show your email to confirm that you can join our waiting list.
・Please come to our restaurant on the registered time in our waiting list and wait in front of our restaurant.
・We will call your name if we are ready to give you a seat.
・Please note that your registered time may give or take,depending on the availability of seats. You’ll be seated in the order of the waiting list.
・We are afraid that you are not able to select seats.
・You are able to join our waiting list for up to 4 people.
However, there is a high possibility that you and your company are able to have seats together.

■Details of deposit
Deposit:¥1,800(tax included)/per person

Only If you cancel your reservation,we can not refund your deposit along with our cancellation policy.

※Please note that you are required to pay ¥50 under tablecheck policy in addition to our deposit.The charges from TableCheck are meant to be an "authorization hold" deposit which is not actually a charge.

-Policy of cancelation-
previous day:50%
on the day or without prior notice: 100%

■Matters that you requres attention when you visit our restaurant

・If you are 10 minutes late for registered time, it will be canceled autmotically. Please be careful with time.
・Please buy some tickets for meals on the day from the machine in our restaurant.
・Please make sure that everyone who has a meal needs to buy a meal ticket.
・We are afraid that customers who are not supposed to have a meal can
not have seats inside. Please use the waiting bar on our balcony.
・Our restaurant is located on the 3rd floor. Therefore, you need to go up there with narrow stairs.
・Please fold your stroller when you bring it to our restaurant.
・Please use a baby carrier for your baby.
We are afraid that we are not able to take responsibility when your baby gets hurt while having meals without a baby carrier.
・Children who can’t be seated by themselves are allowed to use the chairs for safety purposes.
・Please make sure that you tell people your company about our notification.
・You are not allowed to give or sell the waiting list to others who are not supposed to visit our restaurant.
Customers including small children who are not to have a meal are asked to refrain from using the seats.

Thank you for understanding.
We are looking forward to seeing our restaurant.

■Policy of cancelation
previous day:50%
on the day or without prior notice: 100%
-the deposit will be withdrawn from the registered credit card if you cancel on the day or precious day.


Detalles de invitado

Contraseña es demasiado corto (8 caracteres mínimo)
Contraseña es demasiado débil
Contraseña debe incluir al menos una letra mayúscula, una letra minúscula, un número y un símbolo.
Contraseña no debe contener parte de Correo.
Contraseña no coincide
Al enviar este formulario, aceptas los términos y políticas relevantes.