Réserver à AMALFI Marina Blu

<Upon your visit> ● Reservations are recommended. ●Lunch time will be 2 hours. Thank you for your cooperation. <About parking> Please use the attached park parking lot. parking certificate Please bring your own. 2 hours free service ticket for customers who spend over 4000 yen I would like to give it to you. Verny Park Parking Lot 1 https://times-info.net/P14-kanagawa/C201/park-detail-BUK0059020/ Verny Park Parking Lot 2 https://times-info.net/P14-kanagawa/C201/ park-detail-BUK0059021/ * We are not affiliated with Kosuka Parking Lot. <About Reservations> *Dinner time will be charged a seat fee of 330 yen per person . * Pranzo A does not accept reservations for lunch on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. I kindly thank you. * Private rooms can be reserved for 6 to 32 people (*Infants who do not eat are not included in the number) . For groups of 6 to 12 people , we will prepare a regular course menu. Weekday Lunch PRANZO B Course ~ Weekend/Holiday Lunch PRANZO B Course ~ Weekday Dinner CENA A Course ~ Weekend/Holiday Dinner CENA B Course ~ For groups of 13 to 32 people , please choose from the "Party Plan for Group Customers". * We do not accept seat reservations (window seats, etc.) at our restaurant. ,Please note. For inquiries by phone: 046-854-7721
12 ans et moins
5 ans et moins


If you have any food allergies, please let us know.


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