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This is the exclusive reservation page for Hotel New Otani Nagaoka's "Events", "Takeout", "Christmas products" and "Osechi cuisine". <Event reservation> Please select the number of participants for your event. ▶ We will sell tickets for the number of people. ▶Payment is by credit card (advance payment). ▶Please note that we cannot accept cancellations after booking. ▶For reservations exceeding the number of people that can be reserved, please contact the banquet reservation below. Inquiries about events: Banquet reservation 0258-37-1122 <Take-out product> ▶You can make a reservation up to 2 days before your desired date. (Isoroku Curry will be shipped 3 days before) ▶ Please select 1 person for the number of people when ordering takeout products. ▶We do not ship products. ▶Delivery and drive-thru are card payments only. ◇Shareholders of Hotel New Otani Nagaoka◇ ▶Shareholders of Hotel New Otani can use it at a special rate. ▶Please be sure to bring the shareholder complimentary ticket on the day of receipt. (Please note that if you do not have one, you will be charged the regular price.) ▶We accept orders for delivery and drive-thru from the shareholder reservation page. (Card payment only) ▶Delivery fees are not eligible for shareholder discounts. <Delivery service> ▶You can make a reservation up to 2 days before your desired date. ▶ Please select 1 person for the number of people when ordering takeout products. ▶A separate delivery fee of ¥2,000 will be charged for each item. (Delivery fee is free if the total amount of goods is ¥30,000 or more.) ▶ In addition to the product, please select the delivery fee ▶The delivery area is limited to Nagaoka City, Mitsuke City, and Ojiya City. ▶Please note that we only accept card payments in advance. ▶We do not accept delivery of Christmas products. ▶Osechi and New Year's Eve dishes are available for delivery only on December 31st. Limited to purchases of ¥30,000 or more. Delivery fee: ¥2,000 *Please check the New Year dishes page for details. <Drive-thru> ▶You can make a reservation up to 2 days before your desired date. ▶ Please select 1 person for the number of people when ordering takeout products. ▶Please note that we only accept card payments in advance. ▶On the day of the event, please come to the front entrance in your car. Inquiries about take-out products, delivery, and drive-thru: Japanese Cuisine Kocho 0258-37-2102



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