Réserver à Chinese Restaurant Sichuan Hotel/Orion Hotel Naha

▶Depending on the reservation status, we may not be able to meet your seat request. Please note. ▶Please let us know in advance if you have any allergies or dietary restrictions. Please note that if the target ingredients are being cooked in the kitchen, we cannot completely remove them. ▶If you have more than 9 people, please contact us by phone. ▶ Contents and prices are subject to change without notice depending on the purchase situation. ▶If you want to change or cancel your reservation on the day, or if you are likely to be late for more than 30 minutes from your reservation time, please be sure to contact us at the number below. If we do not hear from you, we may cancel the reservation automatically. We may send an e-mail regarding your reservation to your registered phone number or e-mail address. ℡:〇〇〇〇(Restaurant reservations 10:00-18:00)
12 ans et moins
3 ans et moins


Please indicate any food allergies.
Please indicate any special requests.
Also, please indicate if you need a chair for your child or if you have a stroller.
Are you planning to stay overnight?
If you plan to stay overnight, please indicate the date of your stay and the name of the representative.
If you plan to stay the night, please provide your room number and the name of the representative.


Mot de passe est trop court (au moins 8 caractères)
Mot de passe est trop faible
Mot de passe doit inclure au moins une lettre majuscule, une lettre minuscule, un chiffre, et un symbole.
Mot de passe ne doit pas contenir une partie de E-mail.
Mot de passe ne concorde pas avec Confirmation du mot de passe
En soumettant ce formulaire, vous acceptez les termes et politiques pertinents.