▶Reservations that fail to show within 15 minutes will be released. All members in your party must be present before being seated.
▶Please note that we may be unable to accommodate your requests for specific seating.
▶The menu details and prices may change without prior notice depending on the supply and seasonal conditions.
▶We kindly request that all guests refrain from wearing the following garments at Yukibana: Ski boots, Hotel robes, Male sportswear such as training jerseys, tank tops or other sleeveless garments.
▶Please contact the restaurant directly for reservations for more than 9 persons. (Contact us at 0136-44-3491)

About reservation for Public Holidays, Festive Season and NYE

Please note that we will priotize accepting reservation request for guests staying at Higashiyama Niseko Village, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve.
This is to prioritize our hotel guests and ensure their needs are met. Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.

For those who will be staying with HIGASHIYAMA NISEKO VILLAGE, a Ritz Carlton Reserve
Please inform our do san (concierge) regarding this reservation up check-in, so that we can ensure your schedule with us is well looked after.

▶The photos shown are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual dishes in our restaurant menu depending on the season and market availability.

Inquiries by phone: 0136-44-3491
12 ans et moins
5 ans et moins


If you have any allergies, dislike or special dietary requirements, please let us know.
Kindly advise whether any of your party is Higashiyama Niseko Village, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve guest? if yes, please let us know the room number and name for all your party.
▶We would appreciate if you could tell us your children's age if your party includes children.


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