Pesan di BONCHI Kyoto

※We are so sorry we will be temporarily closed from 22 August to 7 October. Thank you so much for your understanding.
▶The reservation will be available from the first date of each month before 2 months on that day when you would like to make a reservation.
For example, reservations for whole days in April will be available on the first day of February at 12:00 midnight Tokyo Japan time.

▶Over 5-year-old kids can join the lesson with adults, and Over 10-year-old kids can join themselves.
▶The lesson time and fee are different from what you would like to make.
▶The menu of experiences can be varied by each participant.
▶At the workshop you can choose from a menu of different items to make.
▶We are not able to make items not on the menu.

▶We are happy people who come here would make miniatures themselves, not only look at in the same group.

▶Please let us know as soon as possible when you cannot make it.
▶The reservation will be canceled automatically after 30 minutes from starting time if we don't have any information via email or call.

Tel, What's App 81+9096224467



Detail Tamu

Kata sandi terlalu pendek (minimum 8 karakter)
Kata sandi terlalu lemah
Kata sandi setidaknya harus terdiri dari satu huruf besar, satu huruf kecil, satu angka, dan satu simbol.
Kata sandi tidak boleh mengandung bagian dari Email.
Kata sandi tidak sesuai dengan Konfirmasi kata sandi
Dengan mengirimkan formulir ini, Anda menyetujui ketentuan dan kebijakan yang relevan.