Unkai - ANA InterContinental Manza Beach Resort 온라인 예약

◆Menu prices include service charge (13%) and consumption tax.
◆We give priority to our hotel guests.
◆Please let us know in advance if you have any allergies or ingredients you cannot eat.
◆There is a cancellation policy for reservations of 6 people or more. 50% of the meal fee will be charged for cancellations or changes in the number of people 3 days before the reservation. Thank you for your understanding.
◆The photo is an image.
◆Because the menu is seasonal, the contents and prices are subject to change without notice.
◆We may not be able to meet your request for seat selection.
◆If you would like a private room, a special menu will be provided. Please contact us separately.

[Information for customers using the sushi counter and teppanyaki]
We have a two-part system. Seats are replaced every 2 hours.
Part 1・・・ 5:30 PM entry - 7:30 PM exit
Part 2・・・ 7:45 PM entry - 9:45 PM exit

[Information on the business status of the hotel facilities] At
this resort, the safety and security of all customers and employees is our top priority, and we have partially changed the operation of the hotel facilities. We are here.
Please see [here] for the latest business status of each facility.
12세 이하
5세 이하



Do you have any food allergies?
*If you have any allergies, please fill in the contents in the "request column" at the bottom.

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