OUT 온라인 예약

★Premium restaurant that only serves 5 groups per day★ ONE DISH. ONE WINE. ONE ARTIST. A completely new concept restaurant originating from Australia and realized in Japan.・The origin and scent of truffles change depending on the season.・Reservations are required, so please make a reservation online or by phone before coming to our store. [Business hours] 11:30~15:00 / 17:00~23:00 For private reservations, click here → daisuke.w@1xsmile.com ◆For same-day reservation changes or inquiries, please call 090-6473-6719 or DM from Instagram Please go ahead.


Isn't it a birthday or a celebration? ?? At OUT, you can celebrate with a surprise by adding fireworks to the truffle dessert (¥ 2,000). If you wish, please write a message to the congratulatory person and his name. We would like to congratulate you together.

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