Bistro Vino Roppongi 온라인 예약

★"Bistro Vino Course" is now available! Includes 2 kinds of appetizers, pasta and dessert.
You can choose your favorite main dish!

★New spring limited menu!
Spring seasonal vegetables and limited Wagyu beef will surely go well with wine.



Food Lo 22:00 / Drink 22:30
[SUN]  11:30-22:00
Food Lo 22:00 / Drink 22:30

※Weekdays only 14:30 -16:00 CLOSED


▶Seating is limited to 2 hours.
▶ The Chef’s Table is a communal table. Bookings are received from 1 to 10 persons to share. If you wish to book this table for a private group for less than 10 people, please contact the bistro directly.
▶Children are always welcome. Please enter the number of children and their ages in the Request column so we can properly accommodate your party.
▶ All reservations are held for up to 15 minutes after your reservation time. If you fail to contact the bistro before this time the reservation will be cancelled.
▶Please contact the bistro directly when booking groups of more than 11 people.


If you have a coupon code, please enter it here!

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