Mumyo 온라인 예약

Thank you for visiting Mumyo's online reservation page. Reservations can be made up to 6 months from today. Course selection is mandatory. ✅ Non-contact payment "contactless payment" is available. After your meal, just call us and your bill will be completed. Click here for details. [Hours] Lunch 11:45 doors open / 12:00 group start Night seating 18:15 doors open / 18:30 group start Please arrive in plenty of time so as not to disturb other people. *It takes about 3 hours until the end of the meal. Please allow plenty of time when making a reservation. In particular, please note that we are unable to meet requests such as "I would like to make it in time for the last train to return to Tokyo." [Closed] Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays [Notes] *If you want to change the number of people in your reservation, please cancel the reservation first and then make a new reservation. To avoid mistakes, we do not accept changes over the phone. *Children must be 13 years old or older. *When bringing in drinks, a separate carry-on fee of 5,000 yen per bottle will be charged. *We only accept payment by credit card. Cash payments are not accepted. [Cancellation] 50% will be charged for cancellations/changes within 7 days of the reservation date, and 100% for cancellations/changes within 3 days. [Dress code] Please refrain from wearing light clothing such as tank tops, shorts, and sandals. [About the parking lot] There is a parking lot for 6 cars in the back left of the store entrance.



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