Nihonbashi Takashimaya BG 온라인 예약

Weekdays 17:00 - 23:00 (FOOD L.O. 22:00 / DRINK L.O. 22:30)
11:30 - 23:00 (FOOD L.O. 22:00 / DRINK L.O. 22:30) on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
July 29 (Monday) - August 30 (Friday), 11:30 - 23:00 every day.

For reservations of 31 or more people, please call us.
Seating is based on the time of the reservation.
If you do not show up after 15 minutes, we may cancel your reservation.
There are a few seats available even if you don't make a reservation.
In case of inclement weather, we may send you a notice of cancellation.

Store Information].
The official website is here.
12세 이하
5세 이하



예약자 정보

비밀번호은(는) 적어도 8자를 넘어야 합니다
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이메일 의 일부를 포함하지 않아야 합니다.
비밀번호 확인은(는) 서로 일치해야 합니다
이 양식을 제출함으로써, 본인은 관련 조항 및 정책에 동의합니다.