RAMA 온라인 예약

▶ For reservations for 5 people or more, please contact the store directly.

▶ Anniversary plates (2,200 yen including tax) are available. Please make a reservation for birthdays and anniversaries.

▶ If you cannot contact us after 30 minutes of reservation time, we may be forced to cancel, so please be sure to contact us if you are late.

◆ Cancellation Policy ◆
● Cancellation up to 2 days before the reservation date and time is free of charge.
● 50% food price from 2 days before to 24 hours before the reservation date and time
● 100% food price will be charged within 24 hours of the reservation date and time basically regardless of the reason for cancellation.

* Cancellations, reductions in the number of people, and changes in reservation time are accepted by phone or email.
* Changes may not be accepted depending on the reservation status on the day.

If you cannot reach us, please contact info@ramatokyo.com.


If you have allergic ingredients, please fill in.

예약자 정보

비밀번호은(는) 적어도 8자를 넘어야 합니다
너무 약함
적어도 하나의 대문자, 소문자, 숫자 및 기호를 포함해야 합니다.
이메일 의 일부를 포함하지 않아야 합니다.
비밀번호 확인은(는) 서로 일치해야 합니다
이 양식을 제출함으로써, 본인은 관련 조항 및 정책에 동의합니다.