Yokohama Bay Quarter BBQ Beer Garden 온라인 예약

The Yokohama Bay Quarter BBQ Beer Garden will be held again in 2024! [Business period and business hours] Wednesday, May 22, 2024 to Sunday, September 29, 2024 Weekdays 16:00-22:30 Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 12:00-22:30 *From August 1 to August 31, all days are 16:00-22:30. For reservations of 31 or more people, please contact us by phone. TEL 070-8819-2585 [Notes]・Please include elementary, junior high, and high school students in the adult number of people when making a reservation. ・Elementary, junior high, and high school students will be charged 2,000 yen less than the plan price. ・Please select the same course for everyone in your group. ・There are a few seats available even if you come without a reservation. ・Please note that we cannot refund after entering the store. ・Since it is outdoors, we do not provide air conditioning. Please note. ・Some menus may change depending on the procurement situation. ・Takeout products from the Yokohama Bay Quarter store can be brought in. [Store information] Please see the official website for details.


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